Philippe Pastor, “The Burned Trees”, Grimaldi Forum Monaco
4’11min time lapse video clip of the setting up of the exhibition at Grimaldi Forum Monaco (July-August 2016)

Philippe Pastor, « The Burned Trees », Monaco Pavilion, Universal Exposition of Milan
2’32min video clip about Monaco National Day at the Universal Exposition of Milan (9 June 2015)


Philippe Pastor, “The Burned Trees”, Gare Paris-Montparnasse
2’05min video clip about the exhibition at Gare Paris-Montparnasse (November 2014-March 2015)
in collaboration with SNCF and Nicolas Hulot Foundation

Philippe Pastor, “The Burned Trees”, Gare Paris-Nord
2’34min video clip about the exhibition at Gare Paris-Nord (October-November 2014)
in collaboration with SNCF and Nicolas Hulot Foundation

Philippe Pastor “The Burned Trees”
2’38min video clip about “The Burned Trees” Project
French version 

English version